Essential Question

What is the most effective method a theatre actress can use to best build her character?

Friday, August 29, 2014

Character Building is Very Very VERY Important!

While doing my research on some theatre techniques that would benefit my senior project, I came across a very informational article that said that building character is one of the most important aspects to becoming a great actor. According to Lyn Gardner and Dee Cannon in their article "Character Building and What Makes A Truly Great Actor", there are 10 steps/questions to build character effectively.

Building character effectively according to the article means "becoming a fully realised three-dimensional character, with a rich backstory...the character you play is truthful and not a cliche, a caricature, a thin external representation of someone who barely resembles a human being...what you say is real and that you're not reciting, spouting or commenting."

1. Who am I?
  • You should know your character as well as you know yourself. This can be done through:
    • A good script
    • Research details
    • Use the imagination

2. Where am I?
  • Establish a relationship with your environment, props, and stage pieces.
    • Also make sure to know about the geography, for it can change the way your character acts.

3. When is it?
  • Seasons can change the way a character acts.
  • Modern physicality cannot be brought into an earlier time period.

4. Where have I just come from?
  • Work out what your has been doing, where they've been.
  • Find the state of being and always know your previous circumstances.

5. What do I want?
  • Find your character's intention, motivation, or action.
  • Have a life on stage and have purpose for walking and talking.
    • Otherwise you will be "just acting" which is fake.

6. Why do I want it?
  • Always have a strong justification for your actions, which will give your character a strong motivation.
    • This is to make the character more real, and also because plays have a heightened version of reality.

7. Why do I want it now?
  • You must know why your motivation has to be right now.
    • Gives your character an immediacy that is crucial in acting.

8. What will happen if I don't get it now?
  • The stakes should always be high and the consequences of not getting what you want should be very important to you.

9. How will I get what I want by doing what?
  • Work out how you are trying to affect the other person with what you are saying.
    • "Action" your script
      • For every change in though, you need a transitive verb.
    • Think about how you can affect the other character by your tone.

10. What must I overcome?
  • Outer Obstacle
    • Resistance to obtaining your action.
  • Inner Obstacle
    • Inner Conflict
    • There must always be a problem you are trying to overcome.

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