Essential Question

What is the most effective method a theatre actress can use to best build her character?

Monday, April 20, 2015

Independent Component 2


  • A
    • I, Iliana Solorzano, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 70 hours of work.
  • B
    • Sharma, Shaan. "12 Steps to Consistently Brilliant Performances, Part 1." 5 Nov. 2014. Web. 12 Nov. 2014.
    • Sharma, Shaan. "12 Steps to Consistently Brilliant Performances, Part 2." 5 Nov. 2014. Web. 12 Nov. 2014.
    • Sharma, Shaan. "12 Steps to Consistently Brilliant Performances, Part 3." 5 Nov. 2014. Web. 12 Nov. 2014.
    • Tobolowsky, Stephen. "5 Simple Questions to Create a Performance." 28 Nov. 2014. Web. 11 Jan. 2015.
    • Wallace, Craig. "How to Fully Embody a Role." 25 Mar. 2015. Web. 26 Mar. 2015.
  • C
    • To see my Senior Project Hours Log, click here, or click on the link that says "Senior Project Hours Log" on the right hand side of my blog. My independent component 2 hours will be at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
  • D
    • My independent component 2 consisted of putting together, directing, and performing, in a 10 minute performance of Seussical! The Musical in order to perform it for the Fullerton College High School Theatre Festival in March. We had a cast of 14 and it was one of the most amazing performances IPoly has had in a while. I am extremely proud of the entire cast and of the amazing scores we received on the days of the competition.

  • My strongest evidence was the night we performed at Fullerton Pre-Show. There, with the rest of the drama club going to the competition, performed our competitive pieces to which received great audience reactions. I also have photos from the pre-show and a couple of other pictures from the competition. There's also a video, sadly it doesn't include the opening number.

  • One of the significant parts of my independent component was the first time we put everyone into costume. It was the first time that my classmate and I had done any sort of costuming and it was a really fun experience to go shopping for costumes and putting them all together. Another highlight was when we finally put together all of our songs and kept rehearsing the entire number. It was an amazing feeling to finally have the piece finished and looking so amazing. The final highlight was from the second day of the competition. Our CD for the music wasn't working the first day so we were prepared to use our extra speaker. We had no problems performing and we put on a really great performance. However, on the second day, we were prepared to use our extra speaker but apparently that was against the rules. They allowed us to perform and get judge's notes but not be ranked. We were all extremely disappointed and furious at the ridiculous rule, but we had our best performance nonetheless. After the performance, we received our scores. I could not be more proud of the almost perfect scores we received. In all honesty, if we weren't disqualified, we probably would have made it to finals. I'm so proud of my cast and I hope the festival changes their backwards rule so no incident like this ever happens again. The competition is based on our performance. Not if our music works or not.

  • This independent component helped me answer my EQ because I had to get in touch with my character Gertrude. I tried to implement some of the methods I learned about and it really worked. I felt as if I really connected with my character because we had a lot of the same qualities and experiences, allowing me to portray Gertrude more realistically. One example is where we had to explain to the cast that if they don't become their character onstage, the performance wouldn't be as great as it could be. After we told them that, their characters really stood out and made the performance bigger. I really felt as if I became Gertrude, meaning that the character building methods really worked and made the performances more fun and realistic.

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